Cloud 9
It's my lover and my companion,
what we have no one has, what i feel no one feels,
It makes me feel things I've never felt before.
Yes! music is my lover,
Music the one thing no one can take away from me,
It runs in my blood
Music fills my soul and it burns deep in my heart,
a never endeing fire burning day and night.
Making chills go down my back,
and goosebumps appear on my arm,
once music goes on my outside world turns off
Its my scape from this chaotic world,
music is my own little world, it takes me to the unknown,
to a place never seen or heard before,
Im living on cloud 9.
As always, bravo. I love the metaphor of lover and music. I am always amazed at how music can impact me, too. It's almost a spiritual experience.